A conference for every role the educational support professional plays!
Look up the word “support” and you’ll find words like sustain, maintain, uphold and advocate – that is exactly what educational support professionals do every day in school districts. Send your staff to SupportCon to help them in the vital role they play in the business office.
In the span of one day, Illinois ASBO will offer support staff personnel from across the state the opportunity to learn best practices, participate in professional development opportunities, network with colleagues and share ideas. This Conference gives you an opportunity to renew old acquaintances and forge new relationships!
PD Clock Hours: 4
Designation Points: 4
Registration and Refreshments: 7:30am - 8:00am
Program: 8:00am - 3:30pm
Lunch & Roundtable Networking: 11:40am - 1:15pm
View the full schedule here.
Questions? Contact Oonagh Barrow at (815) 901-7130 or obarrow@iasbo.org.
Due to changes in the Illinois State Board of Education professional development requirements, please be advised that you will be required to scan in and out to all professional development opportunities in which credits are offered. Each attendee will also be required to fill out an evaluation summary in order to receive credits.